
jimmy g

I dont have a pic but I saw A really big damnsal at my LFS....It was as big as a dwarf angel! pretty cool, yet pretty boring .
I would say they do get ugly as they get bigger except for the Blue Delvis....Very cool when they are big.*(dont recomend one, Very agressive)


I had 2 blue devil damsels (both were females), until they wouldnt leave my coral beauty alone. Then it took 2 hrs to get them out of my tank, cause I had to pull all of my live rock out to get to them. Never again will I ever get damsels for any of my tanks in the future!!! :mad:


Here is a pick of my Domino Damsel. He is getting verry big. My plan was to let him sycle my tank and then take him backbut he kind of grew on me. and he doesn't mess with the other fish. So for now im going to keep him.


Hey dsmith you can change the size of your picture by using microsoft paint. You goto the top of it and select Image then stretch/skew then in the boxes I usally put in 75 in each then if its still to big I just keep repeating those steps untill its the right size.