
we have just started a 55 gallon tank. we have added 5 damsels as starter fish. they have been in the tank for about two weeks. at what point should i start to see my ammonia increasing? nitrites?
also we have one damsel who seems to have one eye that kinda looks like it has a cloudy covering over it and its kind of puffy. is this a parasitic disease or is it possible it was nipped at by one of the other damsels?
thanks for your information.


Active Member
you should have started to see inreased amount of ammonia after the fisrt week.


Do you have any live rocks? The cycle really depends of a lot of factors. It can last a couple of weeks to a couple of months :( About the popeye damsel, maybe you can check posts on other forums. According to the little infos you gave, I think that the cycle should be over in a week or so.


Active Member
if you used well cured live rock and or ssand, your cycle could have passed in days, without you really noticing it, unless yo were testing, because your ammonia should have (as mentioned) gone up in the first week
as for your fish, could be a disease, not sure with little info given, try describing it better and put it on disease and treatment(on this bb), you could get a better and faster response there, you may also wish to do a water test, and post your results with the description and as much info on your tank as possible(ie. fo, fowlr/size/filter/any and all livestock ANYTHING AT ALL), this may save time
HTH and good luck
its a 55 gallon w/25 pounds of coral and 25 pounds of dolomite. we have an undergravel filter with two power heads, and a whisper power filter mounted on the back of the tank also.


Active Member
Do yourself a favor now and get rid of the undergravel filter, the crushed coral, and the dolomite. Replace it with a deepsand bed.