

Active Member
They'll most likely get along with each other. They will just terrorize other peacefull fish if you add them after.


I also have a question about damsels. I have seen the smaller ones that are black with white spots. Is it possible to keep this in a community tank? I know they are aggressive but not for sure about that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangLove
I also have a question about damsels. I have seen the smaller ones that are black with white spots. Is it possible to keep this in a community tank? I know they are aggressive but not for sure about that one.
Dominos grow to a good size and are very aggressive. If you plan to have smaller, more peaceful fish, pass on this species.


Thanks. I was also wondering about tangs. I know that it is a big arguement about keeping any tang in a 55 gallon tank. But I love all of the tangs. Would there be one that would probably get along better in my size tank. Sorry about so many questions. But I am new at this and want to do my homework long before purchasing any fish. And most of the sites I find doesnt match anything from other sites.


Active Member
A 55 does not afford an active fish like a tang enough lateral swimming room for the long haul. I would suggst against it. There are so many nice species that you could keep for the long haul; clowns, gobies, basslets, cardinals, dwarf angels. For all the problems associated with tangs (propensity for disease, aggression, spacial needs) I'd avoid them in your system.


I have a 120g tank and I would not get a tang. They look ok when they are small but they do get pretty big. Stay with small fish. You could have more fish. And for those damsels. I am old school so I cycled my tank with atleast 8 damsels and slowly they killed eachother.


What would you reccommend for my size tank? I am wanting to later add anenomes, more live rock, and community fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangLove
What would you reccommend for my size tank? I am wanting to later add anenomes, more live rock, and community fish.
In a 55, I'd look at something like a pair of tank raised ocellaris clowns, a purple firefish, a royal gramma, pair of bangaii cardinals and a dwarf angel once the tank has been well established. You could keep these fish for the duration, and you'd have a nice colorful, active system.
I kept a similar lineup several years ago and it was a great looking tank.