Dang clarki bit me!


I was using tongs pinchers to move rocks around. I like to keep my hands out of the water...I had my hand on top of the stick and my clarki came up and nipped at my finger. I used this stick a couple of times to move the rock his anemones on. I wasn't even going to move his rock. I was moving my shooms to a better spot. LOL funniest thing ever....little bugger.


Active Member
My clowns bit me when I was moving their "hang out" rock, so funny, didn't hurt but scared the crap out of me being attacked by 2 clowns


He's the smartes fish I ever seen. he feeds his anemone. Using it as a "refrigerator " too. if another fish is trying to take his food he sticks it in the anemone. Till the other fish leaves.


Active Member
yeah i know what you mean. ive got a pair of tomatos and the female is a monster! at about 5 1/2 inches, she packs quite a punch! she has a double ram and bite. it hurts, but it is more surprising than painful. whenever i get to close to her anemone she gets really angry. its pretty funny i have to say lol


My female percula bites me all the time. I try to shew her away, but she always comes back when you least expect it. I feel your pain!

murray bmf

My clarkii bites at me to! It's very annoying, especially when I'm trying to clean the tank. He is very protective of "his space".