dang LTA


I left to work at 9 am LTA has been in the same spot for well over a month I came home around 4 and it moved to the front of the tank!
I had to move my clam out of its way along with a couple other things, I placed a rock next to it that its now on top of. She is not fully inflated 6" inches when so. her mouth looks fine not gaping or anything... I am about to test my water will post back when I am done. but on the good news? my clowns are now hosting it, silly little things.



Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
PH 8.6
ALK 2.5
Cal 50-100 ppm
the only thing I could think of is that the cal is low, so I dosed some. I just feed her and she eating a sliver slider fine.
That is a BTA (E quadricolor) with out the bubble tips. That is not a LTA (M doreensis) Yours looks just like my green E quadricolor with purple tips. Its problem could also be its not suppose to be in the sand.