

Rec'd my first order from this site. I was elated.... :joy: Had everything ready to try an anemone, things were great. Acclimated all in the bag, took me about 2 hours, had to take off work. The anemone walked up to the top part of the tank, opened up and was awesome. I called one of the gals at work to come and look at her/him. The next day I even fed it a little piece of crab,took it right from the grabber my grandson wanted to feed it more but I was a little afraid of giving it too much at first. It was too cool. Was great till Sat and then I had to look for it. It was behind the rocks on the bottom but I could still see it still opened up. Monday morning I could see it but not opened. I moved it to the front of the tank so I could watch. Still moved around the bottom but not open. Went out most of the day and this evening
I could not believe it. I tested the tank again and things are out of wack. The PH is up to 8.4 Nitrate5-10 ammonia is .50 and the phosphate is 2.0. Have I over done things?
I added the anemone, 10 snails, 10 hermits, a Blemmy, and a Angel. Already had a sailfin, and two clowns in a 45 corner.Everybody is fine except the anemone . I feel so bad. I'm not sending it in for another, until I get thing back to normal. I think the hermits or snails had been on it and I'm not sending for the guarantee, it's a mess. I would love to try again but I think I need some help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by marsilly
Rec'd my first order from this site. I was elated.... :joy: Had everything ready to try an anemone, things were great. Acclimated all in the bag, took me about 2 hours, had to take off work. The anemone walked up to the top part of the tank, opened up and was awesome. I called one of the gals at work to come and look at her/him. The next day I even fed it a little piece of crab,took it right from the grabber my grandson wanted to feed it more but I was a little afraid of giving it too much at first. It was too cool. Was great till Sat and then I had to look for it. It was behind the rocks on the bottom but I could still see it still opened up. Monday morning I could see it but not opened. I moved it to the front of the tank so I could watch. Still moved around the bottom but not open. Went out most of the day and this evening
I could not believe it. I tested the tank again and things are out of wack. The PH is up to 8.4 Nitrate5-10 ammonia is .50 and the phosphate is 2.0. Have I over done things?
I added the anemone, 10 snails, 10 hermits, a Blemmy, and a Angel. Already had a sailfin, and two clowns in a 45 corner.Everybody is fine except the anemone . I feel so bad. I'm not sending it in for another, until I get thing back to normal. I think the hermits or snails had been on it and I'm not sending for the guarantee, it's a mess. I would love to try again but I think I need some help.

im sorry 4 your loss. for starters get tht tang out of tht 45. he will get ick and it will be a pain.
2nd when i get things ans the second i notice someting is wrong i test and test. to make sure everythihng is Okay.
like i said im sorry to hear it.
got any pics of the angel?

payton 350

well first the tang needs more swimming room, not cause it will get ich,.....
second everything is probably outta whack cuz it died...i hope you got it all out......
third what kind of lighting do you have?


Tangs was in this tank when it was given to me, 5 years ago. Dougy is the main man here. I know it is not enough room for him but I can't afford bigger yet. He has done so good, I have a 55 down stars with tetras and cats. Do you think that would be better?
Would be a heck of a project to switch but I would if needed.
Lighting is a Coralife compact.actinic 65 watt and 10000K 65watt.I bought it because the lady at LFS said it would be enough for anemone. She thought maybe clowns were bugging it and it wasn't ready for them. I did not see anything going on between them.

payton 350

your lighting is not enough to begin with but i don't think it would die that quickly because of it....i am no anemone expert but it is possible you over feed it or the tank and the tank couldn't handle it and you had an ammonia spike......not to sure though

yeah the tang would definitely benefit from being in the 55.....


I know it is really hard to tell. It just kinda scares me to try it again. Hate to think I would kill another one.Is that about the easiest or should I try another kind..Was hoping clowns would like it.
I like the idea of switching the tanks could be very interesting. The 45 is upstairs in the living room and I love watching the clowns and Dougy is always right there. May have to move the 55 upstairs :scared: Could be a DIVORCE :thinking:
Thanks for the feed back.

payton 350

well i know anemones don't have a very successful rate in home aquariums to begin with.....what kind of clowns.....clowns don't need an anemone ...they will often host other corals in the tank......many host polyps, xenia, mushrooms, powerheads, etc...i think you get it...
what kind of anemone was it anyways?


Pink tip haitian(sp).Was on sale. this sight so I thought I would try. Poor thing. It was so pretty. I was so excited.

payton 350

clowns and pink tips are not natural hosts anyways...what kind of clowns?
what was your temp and salinity....(hyrdo or refractometer)
and your 'normal' readings?


Active Member
I agree with what Payton's been saying.
The anemone didn't die from the lighting that quick, but I wouldn't try another one until that is upgraded.