Danger of air bubbles



There's theories, but no proof as to the effect on fish...
There is proof though, that there are no advantages to having bubbles in a saltwater tank and there are also obvious disavantages...
But another theory is that the air bubbles accumulate in the fish and slowly build in it's bloodstream and eventually coming to a stop behind the fish's eye and building up there. Many fish get air bubbles behind their eye and it looks like pop eye, but nobody can be 100% sure it's because of the air bubbles in a tank...
This is referring to intentionally added air stones and air lines.
The micro bubbles that you see if you have to look really really hard, are in everybody's tanks and are of no consequence.


Active Member
Now that I think about it I am not even sure where I heard or read about micro bubbles burning the gills of a fish.


Active Member
micro bubbles/bubbles can have a couple disadvantages. I'll keep it simple
1 dangerous or fatal to some sponges
2 pockets of bubbles can build up inside or under your live rocks killing portions of it (usually not a catastrophe) but not a good thing.
3 unsightly
4 bubbles as they travel through your water column pick up protiens/trace elements/microfauna and deposit them on the surface. sometimes causing the "oil slick" on the surface of your aquarium reducing oxygen exchange. this is easy to combat by pointing a powerhead at the surface to turn the surface water back into the column.
there are no benifits of having microbubbles/bubbles in your tank. except possibly one if you like the look then its an aesthetic thing but the drawbacks outway the appeal IMO


Active Member
I think the danger of bubbles to fish and most other sea life is an overrated urban myth, except in the case of proven detriment of air to life, like some gorgonia (not all) sponges, etc.