Dangerous Worms


I have this 10lb LR that i got a while back to cycle my tank. I always watched it to see if anything on it would live but didnt seem like nothing very interesting was on it. But about 2-3 days ago i looked at it with just the TV on as my light and there were 2 worms on it coming out of 2 seperate holes. So i turned on the light to get a better look and they were gone. Since then i have been looking at the rock with as little light as possible and everyday i see a new worm. I have counted 4 out at one time. I just want to know what worms are dangerous and which arent. Only worm I am familiar with is a bristle worm but i am sure that they arent that because they dont have feelers or anything. As far as i can see i think 3 are white or light tan or something and one is gray. I cant get a picture of them but maybe if someone can post some pics or tell me where i can see some pics i can compare and try to figure out which one they are.


Get one of those flashlights with the red light or make your own and after several hours of total tank darkness, slowly approach the tank and slowly pan around with the red light. You may be surprised.