Dare-devil yellow watchman


Anyone else have to deal with a goby that keeps jumping into the overflow? Any tips on preventing this? I guess it's better then the carpet.
I've fished him out of there twice today and he was back in the overflow within 10 minutes each time.


Active Member
Oh yeah I had that problem. The funny thing is that the first time I lost mine, I thought it died. Well like a month later I was cleaning my return pump and saw something swim by. Yep it was him. I put him back in the main tank but he kept going back into the overflow. It was a domino damsel that wouldn't leave him alone. I rigged up some egg crate and that kept him out for awhile but he eventually found a way back in.


I haven't seen anything harassing him, but he won't go to the bottom when he's not in the overflow. He either swims around the top or perches on the scraper magnet.
I guess he doesn't like something down there. I have sand sifting star, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, pistol shrimp and snails/hermits that dwell on the bottom.
I was watching him closely. It turns out he's not jumping. There's a small space under the return nozzle that he is squeezing through.


Originally Posted by Hunt
well, you can always try to put something in front of it so it cant get in
Yeah. I wrapped a nylon wire tie around the nut that connects the nozzle to the return pipe. This seems to have blocked the space he was swimming through. Then I fished him out of the overflow and released him down by me pistol's burrow. He swam into the borrow and I haven't seen him come back out yet.
I hope this means they are going to pair up.


Active Member
I believe mine would have been fine with the pistol shrimp if it wasn't for my domino. He really seemed to enjoy sitting with the shrimp. I really miss watching them.


I have a neon green goby that currently resides in the overflow. He has been there a month, and after fishing out a tang and blennie three months ago, he is going to stay. He is just too small to get, darn thing. My overflow is covered, so not sure how he got there, but needless to say, I have also had this problem.