Darf Shark Sales? South Floirda?


New Member
Has anyone see a dwarf version of a shark for sale? They are said to only grow up to 1 foot long (dwarf catshark). I have seen sharks for sale in LFS (South Florida) but none listed as that of the dwarf species. Any online sales?


Never heard of them either, prolly just a baby shark they claim is a dwarf. Very common practice for venders and LFSs to do this in this hobby. If you do a search on these dwarf sharks online and come up with nothing except venders selling them, then its probably just a hoax because any shark that stayed that small would be much more well known and popular and much literature would be available online to read about them.


Dwarf sharks do exist, though. I know dwarf lantern shark (Etmopterus perryi) is one of the smallest sharks, which grows to mere 7". But, I doubt you'll ever find one for sale because they are quite rare in the trade. There also might be some legal issues, too. The same for other dwarf sharks.....Unless you're part of the marine biology institution, you won't have access to those uncommon sharks.

nm reef

Active Member
Not much of a shark keeper myself...but I've never heard any discussion on "dwarfs" available in the hobby. I have heard mention of relatively small species but nothing common in the hobby.