dark green flower anemones, Epicystis crucifer


anyone know anything about these?
will they eat fish?
I've had mine for like 3 months, he's prolly got an inch bigger since I've had him and I had 4 missing fish with all good water conditions... my 5 peppermint shrimp,crabs,snails are still alive alone with 2 blue devil damsels....
just wondering if this guy will eat fish...
I feed him frozen clam pieces twice a week ....


At one time I had a beautiful rock/flower anemone. He never ate any of my fish, however if any of your fish try to nip at him it may still get stung to some extent, but I never heard of one eating fish like your describing.
Could it eat a fish, yes.
By chance are you refering to a Beaded anemone?


looks just like that one thomas...
cept mines much bigger and he stretches open wide like 6inchs .....
I was just curious, I have no other ideas where the fish coulda gone, must been stress from the 2 devil damsels....