Dark red slime


New Member
Anyone ever get dark red slime showing up on live rock and even substrate in spots>>>>>>>>>>>>Wondering what this could be and what causes it?? Is it good or bad ??? My fish are fine and my parameters are good.
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 20ppm
ammonia o
ph 8.4
Any insight???????? Thanks Bob


Sounds like cyanobacteria from excess nutrients in the water. cut back on feedings and increasing flow should help. you can syphon it out or scrape it off


New Member
One of my friends years ago had that, if I remember right he just had to remove as much of it by hand as he could (the tank was covered in it, it will literally cover your whole tank if you don't get rid of it all!) and then ajusted his lighting and used a treament for it, but I can't remember what it was.
This is a pretty good thread, but I haven't read the whole thing, looks like what you need though:


That would be the dreaded red slime algea thaT IS ACTUALLY A BACTERIA AND not ALGEA.
What is your phosphate readings?
Always want to find out the cause before using chemicals.
Red slime remover will remove it but must be followed to the letter.
I was recommended "Maracyn" to get rid of mine and it worked. I used the freshwater kind as sw kind is twice as much and you do not need the added junk in it.
As always, just what I have found, but try and find the cause first to correct it.
More frequent/larger water changes
No feeding frozen brine
feed everyother day instead of everyday.
Good Luck.


Chemicals "chemiclean and red slime remover " Will give you a good head start in removing this Cyano but you must also get your water quality in check. Increased flow also helps alot!
Use RODI water and do frequent water changes.


Active Member
Before you add chemicals I suggest you try to keep up with it. Do daily water changes to replace what you siphon out. Increase the flow, cut your lights back, and decrease your feeding. Give it a few weeks of this and you'll be back to good. You could try chemipure or carbon during this time as well. Check your phosphates and nitrates also both should be at or as close to zero as possible.