Dark spots on Tang


New Member
Please help...I noticed one week ago my yellow tang had what looked like a bruse on her face, well it has since spread all over right and left sides.She is more shy than usual but is still very active and eating good. No other problems noted, no rapid breathing ,no rubbing or fin problems. Then yesterday my blue damsel who Ive had for 5 years looked like he had been beat up over night and this morning he was dead. I took a picture of my tang to my local fish guy and he couldnt tell what was going on he said she might just be stressed? Has anyone ever seen this problem? In the 5 years I have had my tank I never have never come across this, and most all my fish have been with me for the entire 5 years, except this new tang who I ve had for 3 weeks. All my other fish seem fine, and I havent done anything out of the norm to my tank. Any help? Take a look at the pic attached of my tang and see if anyone might have seen this before. thanks


Staff member
That usually results from significant stress. What are your water readings, including pH and nitrate, ammonia, nitrite. Salinity?