Darn Lion Fish


New Member
Well after the incident with all of my new clowns dying off on me the lionfish has decided to start his crap up again by trying to eat my last clown. He wont take to frozen squid ( hermet crab loves it though)I am sorta sick of running to my LFS and getting him ghost shrimp all the time? How do I cure this Prob.??? I like him and he looks cool in there and the kids have named him and everything.. I was thinking when the kids werent around I could shove an m80 down his throat but I got to thinking it might only cause him indigestion. Help???


Get some silversides (good size, frozen) & dangle them in the tank til he spots it. He should go right for it, then let it go. 3-4 good size ones will keep him away from the clown for a couple of days !! Got to get him away from that live, freshwater stuff. Not good for lions.
Good luck.


Don't feed the lionfish for a day or so. Then try putting the ghost shrimp into the tank as you would normally feed the lionfish. Because he will be hungry, he won't be as picky and then add some frozen brine while he's feeding. It might take a few tries but usually they start taking it.


The brine would be good to get the lion use to frozen foods. Ultimately, the lionfish will want chunks of foods. I've fed lions frozen cubes of various foods once I didn't have to constantly feed live.

reef rockett

New Member
I couldn't help but get into the conversation. I had trouble with my lion fish also. He wouldn't eat the frozen fish, he ate all the snails in my tank, killed a few hermits and then wouldn't eat anymore. My husband went to the local saltwater fish store, and they sujested fresh water bait fish. I am not not sure what they are really called. So we got a few to see how that would work. And he ate them. They said to feed him every few days. Witch we have been doing. He was fine, for weeks doing this then one morning we found him and the achillies tang dead, would there we something wrong with the bait fish? and could the lion hurt the tang? It is a mystery to us!! Help. We want to get another one but not sure if it is a good idea, the lion that is.

mr . salty

Active Member
By bait fish,I'm hoping you dont mean "BAIT SHOP FISH" Like what you go fishing with. If so that's what probably killed them. There's no telling where these MINNOWS came from,or what desieses they have. STEVE


i disagree w/ some of the above info and agree w/ other stuff.......i dont think you should starve it for a day.......you should starve it for 5 days seriously but you cant give into its begging for food and then on the fifth day kinda tease the lion w/ the food get like a pair of chopsticks or something and kinda dangle it in front of it and pull it away the first time and the second time when he lunges for the food let him have it........then continue feed like this......its a proven method.......and my question is how big is your tank that you can keep a clown (calm fish) w/ a lion (aggressive fish) not passing any judgement but those two are not the best of friends anyways.......


New Member
Well Jon They "were" doing good ( clown and Lion) But he got ahold of the clown yesterday) I was kinda hoping to have him take out the last 2 damsels but it didnt work... With me looking int he tank and seeing no clown and then looking at the lion It seems he didnt want to wait another day for food......And how he got all of that in him hell If I know...I have a feeling he will have a belly ache for awhile...Serves him right...He has been eye balling the tang pretty Good this morning.... IF I come home and that tang is gone.... Tank is going right out the window Water and All.....I know thos lions are pigs but gee weez....


New Member
Well Jon I too live in IL so at least shipping would be cheap......It is only a 55 gallon you prolly wouldnt want it..It hasnt gone out the window yet But I will let you know when it does... Just make sure your down there to catch it.......


alright another illinois resident wahooooo!!!!! hey im on my way over in 20 min if ya want me to
shoot i'd love a 55 my tank is gonna be a 35 tall id take that 55 with open arms..........keep your chin up jason we have all been there and if we havent we will be sooner or later..........i love both of those fish you mentioned percs and lions........i may attempt the same thing as you did but i am gonna do my homework first and try and find the least agressive lion i can and just keep my fingers crossed.......hth
p.s. if you think of anything you'd like to warn me about i check my email all the time so feel free.....and if ya got msn messenger or icq we could chat there sometime as well..


hey jason what kind of lion do you suggest for my 35 gal or 29 gal. a dwarf obviously but what one there are 3 that i know of what do you think is most reefsafe?


New Member
Jon I would say a dwarf Zebra.... That is just from what I have read,,,I have a Black lion he is about 4 1/2 inches long and he eats like a pig.... I sorta wish I didnt get him... SOB eats everything in sight.... a dwarf Zebra would prolly be a good choice.......


i was waiting outside your window last night and you didnt toss it what the heck is going on
just mail the tank to me i'll pay the shipping.


New Member
My best advice..... Anything BIGGER than him
Would be a good choice... LOL... Well If you would have sang me a song while you were out there I might would have thrown the tank... Well depends on your singing might have been a shoe I would have thrown...
But to be honest I aint the best when it comes to Lionfish..I am learning a few things though.. Everyone said Clowns would be ok to put in there with him.... Well one big belly later I found that it wasnt a good choice to make.... My advice and what I am going to do from now on.... Anything bigger then his mouth will go in there....


New Member
Hey Jon I got to thinking.... For a dwarf yea you could get away with puttin some of those in.... IF you went a full size Lion I would say no because it ate mine like there was no tomorrow.....And yes Regis that is my Final answer :p


do you got any pics of your lion? id like to check what yours looks like.......what kinda lighting do you have on your tank? is yours a fowlr tank?


New Member
No sorry Jon No pics of the little fella.... AS for lights I am completely stock.... Went to Walmart they had 55 gallon in stock and on sale and I boguht it up and set it up.... All I I done different is get under rock filtering system and a couple power heads....I porlly have the cheapest set up of all......As soon as I get pics I will send ya one... But my lion looks about the same as the red lion on this site......