darn nassarius snails lol



soo the other day i buy a peppermint shrimp and 5 nassarius snails, just to kinda help out my cleaner crew (which isnt much, just a couple big turbos and maybe 2 blue leg hermits, i say maybe cuz i can't find them LOL)
and so the next day, i cannot find ONE nassarius snail
those guys i suppose just burrowed into the sand and are never to return...... lol honestly i don't know where the hell they went, i have a 12g aquapod, not hard to spot them, but geez, i cant find one!


Active Member
They might come out when you feed, but likely do at night. This type does stay in the sand most of the time though, that's what they do.


Active Member
Throw in a little sinking food. They will come out of the sand like the night of the living dead............
Also look around at the sandbed and you may see thier snorkels sticking up a bit.


Active Member
LMAO I was gonna say that too. Look at your sand bed for the snorkels.. LOL they are funny to watch them move. Mine come out like roaches when the lights turn off if you throw a piece of clam in and it floats to the bottom.


my good friend has them in his tank...put some food in your tank..and you should see them come up. You should see the tube like thing (believe its a sensory organ from what I was told) poking up out of the sand. It will smell the food and start to crawl up and out of the sand. There pretty cool!


yea i threw food in but it rarely makes it to the sandbed without damn Babesh (golden maroon clownfish) gobbling it all up!
However, last night i did spy like three of them roaming about

Those guys are pretty cool... I have a deep sand bed so i never see the snorkel above the sand, i assume they're really diggin deep during the day..