dart pumb 3600


is this a gravity feed pumb?
If so how do i get it start because when i plug it the pumb is running but not water is take in or out.


Active Member
how do u have it hooked up?? closed loop?? sump return?? give some more info.... and yeah it is gravity feed


Active Member
it is a closed loop, i am helpin him with this and i do believe this should be gravity feed. he has an inlet hangin on the side of tank. when its plugged in you can hear the motor runnin just nothing happenin. i told him i dont think it sucks water, it needs to be gravity fed.


Active Member
Yes. Water has to be able to flow freely into the pump chamber. It cannot draw the water "up."


Active Member
If the pump is above the waterline and the intake pipe runs down into the water, you'll need a foot valve on the end of the intake. It's basically a check valve. Then you need a priming basket or similar arrangement. It's just a chamber with a removable cover that you can take off and pour water in to flood the impeller. Since the foot valve is on the end of the line, the water can't flow back down. Then just close the priming basket up and start up.
I am not a big fan of this method though because if your foot valve jams, you won't know it unless you restart the pump while watching it. If your power goes out in between the time the valve jams and you notice it, you can burn up the pump as it will lose it's prime.


Active Member
basically the pump is under the stand, and the intake part goes up over the side of glass. kinda like an up over the back return just an intake.


I used the return from my overflow for the intake. It works fine but seem a little weak and it suck in too much water which I was thinking drilling more hole so more water can come in the chamber.
the hole only 1" is that ok?


New Member
Your inlet hole is starving the pump. Not good. You need a huge inlet hole for this pump if not multiple small inlet holes. It has a 2" inlet and it will use all of it. This pump is made for volume pumping and you don't want to restrict the suction side at all since it does not have much suction. You are not going to get much pressure but you will get good flow. HTH. Good luck.


Originally Posted by cannarella
Your inlet hole is starving the pump. Not good. You need a huge inlet hole for this pump if not multiple small inlet holes. It has a 2" inlet and it will use all of it. This pump is made for volume pumping and you don't want to restrict the suction side at all since it does not have much suction. You are not going to get much pressure but you will get good flow. HTH. Good luck.
what if I drill lots off small off a 1" pvc pipe


New Member
That 1" is still a restriction. If you had at least another 1" bulkhead that would help. Is your overflow built into the tank like an All Glass Mega Flow? If so there would be 2 holes that you could use. You may want to consider taking some 1" pvc and making 3 intakes hanging over the back of the tank that meet in a 2" cross to feed the pump. That would maxamize the flow. I will try and draw someting up and post it. What size is your tank?


if i have (2) 1" pvc run into both of the chamber and come back down into the pump will it be enough water for the overflow?
or should i run that outside of the overflow?
it would be a lot cleaner if i could hide as much pipe as i could
or maybe i could try and have it inside of the chamber first and if there isn't enough flow then i would drill more hole on the overflow so more flow could come in.
what do you all think