Day 10...


I am on day 10 of having my tank up and running. As you know I have aout 35lbs live rock and then about 80lbs live sand. I added a shrimp 3 days ago and my tank is still not doing anything??? I have been testing it every day (since day 3) and I have no ammonia readings? I know it takes a while but i was sure i would be able to see some change in the tests by now. I even added a cycle chemical on day 3 and nothing...i s this normal for a 100 gallon tank? Also when ever i try to move the rocks around it get so cloudy that you cant see what you are doing. Is this normal? I am trying to build a small cave in the corner but i cant even see to do it once I move a couple of rocks. HELP!!!


i am at the same stage as you
i have been adding fish food and also have no amonia, whats going on :help:


Active Member
just give your tank time. Maybe you have a lot of sand on your rocks? I'm not sure why the rocks are making your water cloudy when you move them. You can run come carbon in your filter... it well help clear your tank up.


Some tanks take upwards of 8 weeks to cycle... Was that a raw shrimp that you added? If so, have you left it in the tank and whats it look like... normally when the shrimp starts to look hairy and begins to break down, you will begin to see the ammonia rise. It will happen....


I would be curious to know what your other readings are. Nitrite and Nitrate specifically.
There have been rare occurences where a tank will only have an amonia spike, and a very small one for a day or so. This would be possible with the amount of LR and LS already in your tank, you may very well already have enough beneficial bacteria to be breaking down amonia.
I know it's not common and goes against everything else we read, but when I cycled my 92g I used about 10lbs of CC and 20 lbs LR from an exisitng tank and my amonia necer went over .25 and that was only for a day.
I may be off, but it's still something to consider.


Active Member
My 65 cycled in 3 weeks using 105 lbs of cured LR and 80 lbs of LS.
I used the shrimp and took it out after 1 week. My ammonia never went above 0.50
But after 10 days, you could be into the nitrite stage of the cycle. Watch out for false readings on test kits. My Red Sea ammonia test kit looked like 0.25 even when it was zero.