Day at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago...


Active Member
I asked for a day at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago for Christmas, and seeing as today was our wedding anniversary...we went today. The day was absolutely awesome!! We even lucked out totally on the driving (got home before the bad weather hit).
Here are some pics that I took. Unfortunately most of them didn't turn out, these are the best ones. Enjoy...



Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Very nice! Shedd is my second home. lol

Lucky!! We drove an hour and 20 minutes to the train station in Milwaukee, then took the train to Union Station. From there, we took our lives in our hands and took a taxi to the Shedd. What a fun day!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
wait is the 11th one a sand tiger?
Actually that shark pic is that of a bonnethead shark...I thought they looked very similar to a hammerhead, and that particular shark was very small, maybe about 3 feet long...I thought he looked bigger in the picture.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Sweet pics!!
Thanks Jay, I just wish all of them would have turned out. I have some really blurry pics of seahorses, divers, and various other underwater life that is just not distinguishable. Great fun anyway...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
i wish the tanks had better lighting. the pics would be 100x better
I agree JR, add that to the fact that they don't want you to use flash photography...I can see why though. I finally found a nighttime setting on my cam and came up with most of the pics that turned out to be postable.
We are planning on going back again when there's less of a chance of the crowds to get as out of hand as on that day (holiday). We got really lucky in that we walked right in, saw all of the displays, had lunch, saw a few displays a second time...but by that time it was impossible to move around. When we decided to leave, there was a line from the ticket counter, out the door, down the 4 flights of stairs, and another city block long....I would've gone home if I'd run into that when we got there. It was truly amazing...but totally a great day for us.
Lisa :happyfish