daylights in conjunction with actinics; appropriate combination


should i...
run my actinics throughout the course of the day, coming on before my metal halides and turning off after my MH's, running nonstop for 8 to 12 hours?
set them up on timers so that they come on an hour or 2 before my metal halides and then turn off an hour or 2 after the MH's have come on, then turn on again an hour or 2 before my MH's are getting ready to turn off, and stay on an hour or 2 after the MH's have powered down?
(2nd idea sounds better to me)
which would be the better way to go and why?


Active Member

Originally posted by enosmeanus
should i...
run my actinics throughout the course of the day, coming on before my metal halides and turning off after my MH's, running nonstop for 8 to 12 hours?

This is how i run mine.


I thought about the same thing but turning the VHO's off for 4 hours a day during the MH lighting period would only save about $3.00 a month and you CAN tell a big difference when the vhos are off. I don't know for sure but I figure the more intense 5 hours of light (MH and VHO together) might be more beneficial.


Active Member
Either way is fine. Personally I use actinics for supplementation and Dawn/Dusk, without them my tank is too yellow/white, so mine come on an hour before the first MH, stay on the whole day and then shut off an hour after the last MH shuts down. Why do you think the second way is better? Are you trying to save on elec?