Dazed and Confused


New Member
ok..I have my tank setup and have filter running...was going to start the cycle process last week but have changed my mind. I want to read up on everything (as much as possible) before I do something that I may regret or want to change. Example I have crushed corals but have decided I want Sand instead....so going to empty and replace..sorry for the ramblings. My question is...
Could somebody explain or give me links with good examples and PICTURES about Sumps, Refugium and protein Skimmers....I don't really quite understand how they all work together....the pro's and con's. How to setup, differing pumps (What size ?), different Water levels ? Overflow box ? Wet/ dry filters ? GPH Capacity ??...
A refugium - I think is a place to place critters to eat bad algae ?
A sump I am not sure what it is used for..guessing to filter out water.
I know I have alot of questions...sorry...I have decided not to rush into anything..and want as much information as possible..so I don't get stuck with waisting money (like i spent on CC when I could have bought sand) and I want to do things right the first time and not have to mess things up in the long run.
This website has been a great help!


good call on trashing the cc. alot of people are too lazy once they put it in the tank, but you will enjoy not having to vacuum it every week or 2. you have so many questions its kind of hard to answer all of them with 1 post. i was trying to answer them, but the post was getting way too long and was pretty confusing. if you post fewer questions on each post your more likely to get an answer. its a good thing you are taking it slow because there are alot of different things you have to research.give me some info on your tank and ill try to go through this with you step ny step.is this going to be a reef or fish only tank? what size tank is it? are you going to use live rock?