dead anenome?


hey everyone..i have a condylactis and i am wondering if he is dead..he is still firmy anchpred to a rock but he has pulled all his tentacles in. I just want to know if he is dead or dying cuz i haerd they make quite a mess of the tank when they die


Are the lights off when you see this?
How long have you had him?
Are his tenticles still sticky?


Active Member

Originally posted by Balistidae
..he is still firmy anchpred to a rock but he has pulled all his tentacles in.

If his foot is still attached to the rock then he is probbly OK. My condy use to stretch out to the size of a plate and draw up to the size of a golf ball with a few purple strings hanging out. That is normal behavior. However if he turns loose or loses the stickiness of his tentacles then he has a problem. Mine did the contortions at different times of the day or night. I think it was more in reaction to how much it ate and when than to whether lights were on or off. All that being said after about a year it just disappeard. Never found a trace and believe me we tore the tank and equipment up looking for it to see what happened.


mine will go in and retract when the lights are off. then come out when i turn the lights on it takes a while but hes fine


wicked!! i checked him out today and he is looking i think better than ever!! Also how much would should a condylactis be fed...he is like the size of my head


Active Member
I feed mine pieces of silversides about 2 times a week. I just give it to it until most of the tenticles are retracting in to eat. My clown also feeds it too. HTH


Have you had him for long........they do withdraw and shrinkup so to speak but he should be ok if your condy is doing what i think he is.....relax. They do this when they eat. I have several and they do that about weekly or so