Dead Angels


New Member
What the hell is wrong with angelfish and my reef tank all my other fish and inverts and corals have all grown and not had any problems. My angelfish on the otherhand seem to hate my tank. My coral beauty died ( i think he was bad from the start cause he wouldnt eat) and i replaced him with a flame angel which was doing great eating algae eating food swimming all over the place and today the damn fish dies. Any suggestions on what could be going on here?

my way

Active Member
How long have you had these fish in your tanks? If they were'nt in there to long it's possible they were cyanide caught. You really need to give as much information about everyting related to the history of these fish and your setup to be given any usefull information about what could have gone wrong.


All very good questions but if you had a Mantis I dont think you would find your fish and the other ones would not make it to long either


New Member
I have 130 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump nitrates phosphats are less than 5 metal 6 watts per gallon lighting. oversize protein skimmer. The fish was eating at the local fish store. My coral beauty perhaps was a bad fish cause i was told he ate but when he went in my tank he never ate food or algae. The flame is the one that i do not understand. Looked healthy up to the day he died. was eating algae all day long and eating the food i provided him. The rest of my fish have been in the tank for 5 months. i cant keep an angel past 2 weeks. All my other fish have grown since i have bought them and are all doing well. I just puzzles me that he did good up until he decided to die. Tank is kept at 75-76 degress with salinaty at 1.023


Active Member
Originally Posted by K_K_B_8
I. i cant keep an angel past 2 weeks. All my other fish have grown since i have bought them and are all doing well. I just puzzles me that he did good up until he decided to die. Tank is kept at 75-76 degress with salinaty at 1.023
Most likely cyanide caught. Make sure the LFS has had the fish for at least 2 weeks. Try to find an LFS that avoids cyanide caught fish. Flame angels are notorious for coming in with cyanide poisoning.