Dead Artica Chiller 1/5


New Member
Power went out. Any thoughts. I have removed it from my sytem. But not sure where to have it serviced? If at all?


Active Member
Did you check to see if there was a reset switch or breaker on the unit? You should be able to contact the manufacturer and they could recommend an authorized servicer as well.


Active Member
The Artica 1/5 has a fuse on the back panel right near the power cord.
Check it, replace if necessary. That's your most likely culprit.


New Member
No luck on that in-line fuse. I took it apart. I have Powercord, I/O Switch and straight cables to condenser and controls.


Active Member
Are you anywhere near me? I could take a look at it if you could get it to me, but if you aren't near enough to get it to me, shipping two ways will kill you.
Acrylic is on the right track then to get JBJ to find you a repair center for it (though you may have to ship it to them too). If it's an electronics problem than a refrigeration shop won't be able to do much with it... they won't know anything about stuff like this.
You *may* be able to take it to an electronics repair shop... a mom and pop operation would be your best bet... big box places have policies about just what they will and won't take. If you explain that the electronics are dead, perhaps they'll take a crack at it.


Active Member
BTW... did you actually find a fuse or not? Mine definitely has one... perhaps they have different revisions of the unit... some have fuses some don't. That'd be weird.


New Member
Perhaps I don't know what I am looking for with that fuse. Is it a in-line or Curcuit Fuse9Mean to a reset switch. What color or wire is it on. Was it on the outside of the Cabinet.
I will try to include a couple of Photos.



Active Member
Yeah see where you have a rocker switch on the back of yours, I have a fuse holder on mine. Yours also has a removable power cord, mine is attached. Weird.
I might have some extra time tonight.... my 1/5 is not in service at the moment. Let me take a look at it and see if I can find a fuse somewhere else for you to look. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the unit appears totally dead, correct? You plug it in, turn it on, and nothing happens, right? No display, no nothing?