dead fish..white spots on glass


New Member
I could use some help!
I have a 30 gal. tank..set up for 3 months.. live rock(so far) had 6 damsels(SP)..have 2 crabs..2 hermit crabs 10 trob is my problem
Fish had or have itch (I think) treating with "no ich"..have lost all but 2 fish to "ICH".( I am going to this month get a 10 gal q tank!)..but here is the question..on the glass and live rock there are small white dots, when I look at them under a mag glass they look like small (really really small) snails or worms(?) ...they have like a little rounded shell and out of it there are fan like fellers and when there is any movement near them the fan things go back into the shell. The white spots are the size of a grain of sugar/salt. Hunders of the little suckers. any help? Also does ich eat the fish away?


i dont know what they are but i got them in my tank too. also battling ick problembut i dont think they are related


New Member
hey thanks for the info...down to 2 fish,I will continue to use the no-ich..for 30days (ich should be dead then anyway!) and I have gone to othe webb sites to check out "harmless fan feeders"..I think that that is what is the "white"spots on MY does one remove these? I have tried the alge scubber didn't I use a single edge razor blade? Any help out there in fish land? q tank looks like a go this week end kids don't need to eat this week LOL or at lest b4 any more fish :>)


New Member
ed thanks for your input...? if ich last 30 days will that mean that IF the 2 fish live(?) and I have been useing "no ich" that the ich will be the main tank? then when and If i get new fish that go into q tank for 30 days It will put the risk of ich very very low? and what of clean up crew(I was going to get a clean up crew from here) do they need q tank? or go right into main tank?
thank you for your help..(boy i gota learn to type better)