Dead Fish..


New Member
Well RIP to my panther grouper i had it for about a month everything was fine. but i don't know what happeend. I had ick and then it seemed to be hanging around the top of the tank and then for 3 more days with ick it was acting funky so i put it in a hospital tank and it just died. its kinda black. do you know what ahppened ?


it got stressed from the ick and died. too bad, they are a pretty fish. def test your water before you put something else in your tank. also, i forget the exact amount of time ick can survive in the tank, but it's several weeks. do a search and find out so nothing else gets it.


Active Member
if your other fish are helathy you really shouldnt worry about ich, everything should be fine but to be on the safe side monitor your other fish
did you QT your panther, did someone bully him, was he eating?