dead fish


New Member
I have a 29 gallon biocube that has been running for 3 months. I have live sand, live rock, and all my water parameters were great- After I tested it I took a sample to my LFS and they also tested it he also said all were great. I have went through 2 lemon peel angels, 2 Royal Grammas, and 1 percula clown.( they were not all in the tank at the same time) One of the perculas had ick but was able to pull him out of the tank and is now being treated -actually looks alot better. But I'm not sure if I stocked fish that were difficult to keep and maybe the clowns got ick from stress of the other fish dying. I have several corals in the same tank that are doing awesome-3 of them have actually split or reproduced. My guy @ the LFS said the Lemon peels were hard to keep and the Grammas may not have ate like it should-he was always hiding- but he looked fat to me! I would like some advice if anyone has one. I also did a 7 gallon water change-


New Member
Temp was set @ 79* I did put a digital thermometer that read 82* so I took the heater out for now and monitoring the temp, some people have said a heater was not needed due to the lights. My only concern is when the lights go out I'm sure the temp will fall.


That happened to me and I found out after a few months that I had stray voltage. Try checking that... my story was the same, perfect water but couldn't keep anything alive.