dead..freak accident


hi everyone so my tassle filefish died today heres how: he is less than an inch, so today i couldnt find him, i looked everywhere, so i finally decided to look in my overflow box and guess whos in there?....THE FILEFISH.. i shut the filter off and take him out, but no luck....fins mutilated, breathing hard..DEAD...wahhhh
this has happended before and was going to put a mesh net over it, but too late waaaaaahhhhh


but this happended once before this without my eel in the tank ???????? near the overflow box has been the filefish's territory since i put him in the tank, waaayy before i got the eel and he always hangs around there, so i guess this time he was pulled in it happened twice


Well-Known Member

I had a beatiful purple filefish..two days almost before it jumped. Those fish are the absolute worst for jumping. I love them but I won't buy another.