Dead Hermit, shell-less snail: some questions...


Active Member
Ok I have a twelve gallon nano and some weird things the past couple days to ask questions on. I asked some of these questions on the new hobbyist board and got mixed answers, so I though the Nano board might be able to help more.
My water levels were good, ammonia at 0, nitrites at 0, nitrates below 5, and my cycling completed about 3 weeks ago (cycled for almost a month). Over that time I've done all the stuff, water changes, filter media changes, and slowly added 2 false perc clownfish, 2 blue legged hermits, 1 red legged hermit, and 2 nassarius snails. The other day the red legged hermit started looking like he was going to just out of his shell, and I have some empties in the tank so I thought he'd grab one of those. Yesterday morning I saw one of my snails stuck to the glass under the pump output and his shell was barely hanging on, sort of blowing in the wind so to speak. I picked him off the glass and he burrowed into the sand.
This morning, the reg-legged hermit is dead, still shell-less. The snail was shell-less as well but he's still alive. When I pick him out of the sand he burrows back in. Tested the water, ammonia is still at 0, nitrites at .05 and nitrates between 5 and 10. It's due for a water change so I did that, will test again later after it's all circulated for a while. Here are my questions:
Would a hermit crab die from 2 days without a shell?
Will the snail die without a shell?
Could that death be responsible for the change in the water parameters?
Should I worry about my clowns and/or other inverts?
Also, I was hoping to add a cleaner shrimp in the next week or two, is there anything I should take into consideration before doing this or should I wait longer?


Active Member
A hermit crab is pretty vulnerable without a shell. I don't know for sure about the snail, but I doubt it would make it without the shell. For one thing, the shell is part of it's body. So if it's missing it's shell then it was basically amputated. It has no protection now and it's slow so it's probably not going to make it if still alive.
All in all, I wouldn't worry much about the loss of a snail or hermit here or there. It's going to happen.
Your nitrite should be no higher than zero. That is the only problem I see. A water change should help.


Active Member
Thanks, that helps me feel a bit better. Oddly, the snail is still alive though I put it in another container so it won't die in my main tank and change the water parameters again; considering I just did a water change....heh.