Dead live rock...can you change it out with new?


New Member
I have a 55 gallon with 50 lbs of live rock. The rock is at least 6 years old. Think it is dead, want to put new live rock in, do you think my tank will recycle?


Active Member
why do you think itis dead, rock doesn't normally just die,
but to answer the question, you can add live rock, i would just be sure to add well cured(either buy locally or cure it yourself first if it is mail ordered, even if it says cured) and ad small amounts at a time, like no more then a 10 lb piece at a time to avoid throwing things too far out of balance and creating a mini or re-cycle


New Member
We think it is dead because it is so nasty and we have not done a water change in like 5 years. The fish are living fine in there and there are some green brittle starfish. The fish have been in the tank for 4 years. A huge maroon clown, a yellow tang, little baby huma, and a big blue damsel. How do we know if the rock is alive or dead? Also, the water tests out fine in all areas.
One suggestion is to get a stiff nylon brush and try brushing of whatever gunk you think is on the rock. I do this for red algae when I get it. Take some saltwater in a separate bucket and do your brushing in there, one piece at a time. Take a look every few brushes and see what's coming off, what's staying behind.
When you clean off the rock and restack in your main tank, get some nice smaller pieces of highly coralline encrusted rock and place that over the top, the coralline will spread to your old rock and will save you the money from having to purchase new. IT will take a bit of time but better than forking out a couple hundred bucks for rock.