Dead Nass Snails


Active Member
We just went away for a day, and when we came back, I found 2 out of the 3 Nass snails lifeless next to each other in the tank. A couple hours later, they were in the same spot, so I picked them up. No response, no noticeable damage, but when I picked them up, their body was 'hard.'
I'm wondering if 3 big (1" shell, body ran another 3/4" past that) snails were too much for my little 12 gallon. Stock is only 2 1.5" ocellaris clowns, who seem fine except for being POed that they missed a couple meals.
The only negative thing I have right now is a small diatom bloom, but nothing like I've seen people post photos of here.
I haven't tested yet, but parameters from my last parameters from the day we left, the days ago, are: Am(0),Nitrite(0),Nitrate(5),pH(8.1),Salinity1.025,temp(80).


Active Member
I think it may have been a bit much. I have 3 snails in my 24 and its doing fine for now. They may have just died, but regardless the last snail should have no problem with food constraints in a tank all to himself.