Dead now, but what WAS it?


Active Member
Some of you may know that one of my four tanks is a 12 gallon "killer" tank. I can't keep fish alive in there for nothing, but inverts do just fine. After losing another fish a few weeks ago I have pretty much just turned off the light and ignored that tank, except for an occasional sprinkling of food for the emerald crab, the snails, and the hermit crabs. Today I turned on the light to try to catch the crab (wanted to move him to another tank) and I saw this hanging out of the rock. It's obviously dead, but I'm not sure what it was. Sorry I can't get a better pic - it's now translucent, and it does have segments like a bristle worm but the "head" looks pointy and like it had a snout of sorts. It looks as if the tail end and the head end are exposed with a part of it's body still in the rock, or maybe this is two separate pieces - can't tell. If they are connected I'd say it's 2"-3" long. When I have more time I'll take the rock out and examine it and photo it more closely but right now I"m already late. I'm trying to figure out if this is yet another fatality of the killer tank or if it might have been the CAUSE of all my deaths! Again, I'd guess bristle worm but it's got a type of snout and "head" to it. Look like anything you've seen before?



Active Member
Oh man that thing is super rare and worth bookoo bucks. Too bad you killed it.


Active Member
It does appear to be a bristle worm but I'm not entirely positive. One thing I can be sure of though is it probably is not related to your fish deaths unless the same thing that is killing the fish killed this creature.


Active Member
A bristle worm with a horse's head -- I'll bet that WOULD be worth a fortune! And I didn't kill it - my Killer Tank killed it. :(
I don't know what the heck to do to solve this. I better go find a thread on how to check for electrical or voltage problems, but then again, wouldn't electrical problems also kill invertebrates?
What's the best way to discover what might be living in my live rock that's killing stuff? Soak it in non-salted water and kill everything?