Dead or Molted?


I have about 25 scarlet hermits, 50 blue legs and about 10 anails, 5 camel backs, 1 cleaner, 2 emerald crabs and 1 sally light foot who i havent seen since the day i put him in. Anyway, i have been finding remains and bodies of the scarlet hermits lately. Is there anyway to tell if they have molted or just got killed for their shell. Today i found a whole body, looks like he just got ripped out. I cant really tell if there is a decline there overall numbers. Thanks alot


When I first got my hermits, I thought there was a murderer in my tank because I would find "bodies" as well. But I kept counting the same number of live ones. I had forgotten about the molting event. When they molt, the empty "shells" do look like dead ones that have been ripped out of their shells. So I think your hermits are OK.