Dead pink square Anthia please help


Hello Everyone,
My girlfriend woke me up today telling me that her fish was dead. Sure enough I went to the tank and it was laying on the bottom dead as could be with a ton of stringy stuff and sand stuck to him. Here is my question it has been absolutely fine up untill this morning. All other fish seem to be doing just fine. I had a clown fish just dissapear 2 weeks ago also, But was never able to find him.
My readings are:
Ammo - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 40
Ph - 8.2
Salinity - 1.025
Can anyone give me there thoughts? Ive attached a picture just in case it helps any.


These fish can be hard to keep and need a decent size tank, they can also become very aggressive. They need frequent feedings and alot of caves and space to swim. How many fish do you have in your tank and what size is it. Sorry about your fish.


Active Member
Yeah, sorry to hear about that. Pretty fish, when they're not dead...
I think your Nitrates are a little high, and maybe that hurt the fish? They're supposed to be under 20 I belive.


Active Member
square spot anthias dont need a reason to die in captivity, they arent particularly hardy also they can do well once acclimated and under ideal conditions (low lighting or lots of cover in well lit tanks, lots of flow, reef, clean water, lots of food....which when talking clean water and lots of food usually equals relatively large system with good husbandry). they get huge too, local store once had one the size of a mature angelfish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
Yeah, sorry to hear about that. Pretty fish, when they're not dead...
I think your Nitrates are a little high, and maybe that hurt the fish? They're supposed to be under 20 I belive.
Nitrates don't hurt fish at all; bad for inverts though. All anthias are fairly difficult fish to keep; the pink square is a deepwater anthias that is very demanding and tough for anyone to keep. Also, IMO, an 80 gal tank is too small for this fish--a healthy male is a big, active fish that needs lots of room


Active Member
Anthia's are really tough to keep I lost 3 so far they require good flow and good water. I dunno if its space but as far as I know they need good water condition to stay alive.