Dead rock to live rock


New Member
Hello every body i am new to the salt water game but have learned so much from all of you.My question, is their a rock i can buy at Home Depot that will work good to turn into live rock.


Active Member
I would not trust any rock from HD or a gardening center. Base rock is pretty cheap.


Active Member
Are you ready for this!!!??? Log on to www.garf.*** and they have a whole section teaching you how to create agrocrete!! It's a combination of substrate and contrete that you can create all kinds of "KOOL" shapes and stuff with. Throw this into a CLEAN bucket/plastic trash can with lots of power heads, a skimmer and some of your already cycled water. Wait about 5 weeks and poof!!!! Live rock for about nothing - with shapes that you MAKE for your evironment!!
They also show you how to create a 250 gallon tank!!


Active Member
Just to clear up some things I've read on this board - mainly pertaining to live rock.
Live rock in this hobby by definition refers to coral rubble, actual pieces of a reef structure, that has been colonized by sea critters, microscopic organisms, bacteria and other marine life. Porosity and surface area of live rock is what makes it so benifical to our tanks. Coralline algae and any hitch hiker creatures are a plus.
Anything else is NOT live rock.
Base rock that has been in an established tank is nothing more than base rock that has been in and established tank. Not too porous, and not near the surface area as "true" live rock.
It's just got bacteria populating it's surfaces, and under the right conditions will become covered with coralline algae.
It still looks nice, can be used in conjunction with live rock, will aid in filtration to some degree - but it's NOT live rock.
Rock formations made from concrete - is NOT live rock. It may serve some function in a reef tank, look pretty cool, but again - it should be called what it is - "agrocrete"
The term "live rock" should be used to describe exactly what it is. Anything else is what "it" is.
Base rock, tufu rock, or any other rock could be considered "LIVE" once bacterial and critters colonize it, but if that is true, then in my tanks I now have
Live Glass, Live Powerheads and Live Acrylic
Stepping down off my soapbox now ......