Dead Sallylightfoot!!


New Member
One day he was missing a leg and a pincher, and seemed really weak, then the next day he was missing another leg. Then he died. The only thing I have that would do this to him would be an emerald crab. Does this sound likley? I thought emeralds aren't aggressive. I want to get a mandarian gobi, but will the emerald mess with him? Would it be a bad idea to put another sally-lightfoot in with the gobi? Does anyone else have these guys living together?


I have a sally lightfoot and my snowflake eel has eaten off 6 of his legs, he has 1 on 1 side and 2 on the other. I got an emrald crab yesterday and he is my second favorite animal, my favorite is my lawnmower blenny hehe
I don't think that the emrald crab would eat his legs, I got mine to eat the bubble alage on my live rock.
ta ta


what else do you have in the tank????? could have picked up a mantis shrimp or pistol shrimp with your rock???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![


So far I have had no troubles with any of my tankmates. The Sallys and the emeralds have been getting along just fine. There have been a couple times where they have been eating together. Generally the Sallys stay at the bottom of the tank. The emeralds spend most of their time on the live rock.


New Member
I had 2 Emeralds and 2 Lightfoots. One day the bigger Emerald had a hole on the top of his shell (nice size one at that). And a lightfoot was missing two legs. Both molted and regrew to original form. 2 weeks later the same Emerald was missing both front claws, that was a month ago and I have not seen him since.