Dead Six Line Wrase!!!


I bought a 6 line wrase yesterday. I was suprised to wake up and find him dead the this morning! Not only was he dead, there was nothing left of him! Only the skeleton and head! I have seen fish die before, but this was something like I have never seen! My tank has been set up for over a year. Other things in my tank are a yellow tang, percula clown, multiple corals, cleaner shrimp and a clean up crew. Water is in great shape.
What could possibly be in my tank to cause such distruction so quickly??


I'm not sure but it would have been sweet to watch :) That's the whole reason I have a clown trigger - I plan on feeding him so much live feed when he's a little older!


I have had a new fish die suddenly. I had it happen once with two little green puffers. Both were about an inch long, came out of the same tank at the LFS. I slowly driped water into their bags to bring them up to salinity and temp. Added them same way to the tank.........In the morning one was dead and the other lived for two years???? It is hard to say. Did you slowly aclimate it to the new tank?
In terms of it being eaten, well you most likely have a good clean up crew. I had a small angel fish die over a long weekend, when I got home only about a third of it was left and my water quality was good!
Sorry for the lost. Will the LFS give you credit? Mine will.