Dead skunk cleaner?


Active Member
Ok, so today I coem home to my ten gallon nano, only to find that the small Sklunk Cleaner shrimp that I bought yesterday was dead. He was split into two pieces, lol. One side his head, the other his torso/tail. I figured he might have just molted or something, but i dont klnwo why his body would be split into two, and the color is very vibrant, unlike that of a shed skin. Im wondering how it died? The onyl fish i have in my tank are one small firefish, and a false perc (both VERY peaceful fellaz)
Im trying to slove Blue's clues here, but i have no clue what happpened? Any ideas? :notsure:


how did you acclimate the shrimp?
what are your water parameters?
inverts are very sensitive to any changes in water chemistry


Active Member
Negative. My nitrates/nitrites were fine, so was pH...
I really think something must have attacked this guy, only because his body and head were completely severed into two seperate pieces...
ANYWAYS....I took everything out of the ten gallona nd transfered it to a 20 Gallon long. here are the before and after pics...
10 G:


i bet he died and someone wanted a shrimp snack, possibly hermit crabs if u have any, i dont think any of your fish killed him but i do know for a fact that once a shrimp dies even fish will take little bits i have seen it (yellow tang) besides come on what do we feed them, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, they already got the taste for em :happyfish