Dead Yellow Tang


My YT passed the other day. He had brown spots on them that appeared in one day. I went to work and he was dead when I got home. I am dealing with ich so is how it looks on the yellow tang?


Staff member
No, ich looks like salt grains sprinkled on fish. There is a pic of ich infested fish in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Can you give some details about the "brown spots". Size, shape, etc.


Active Member
There is a separate disease black ich which looks like regular ich but has brown/black spots. This would be the case if the spots were small. It often coexists with regular ich but is easier to see with light-colored fish. Watch your other fish for similar symptoms. It requires a different treatment then regular ich (usually formalin baths).


The brown spots were oval shaped and appeared very quickly. I have ich in my display tank which is ravaging my fish. Don't have quarantine so it looks like I will loose everything except my lr and inverts. Very sad but I learned that I need a quarantine tank and to be very cautious before I add anything to display.