deal or not


New Member
ok so a buddy of mine wants to sell me his 40 gallon tank for 400 dollors it comes with the tank stand wet dry heater skimmer and pc lights is it a good deal or not?


New Member
lol thats all i got umm im gessing its good since he works at a lfs hese been in the hobby for about 7 years now just now he got a 300 gallon tank thats why he geting rid of his 40 gallon
its a protine skimmer


Active Member
Definitely need more specifics...
How long has he had this tank?
Describe the PC many bulbs, how old are the bulbs? (totaly wattage?)
As for the stand, etc, that would be another questions as well.


New Member
it comes with pc lights or vho(not sure wich to get the pc are higher watts) it comes with a wet dry, and a skimmer, a power head, heater, temp reader is it good oh it come with stand lights are 4 months old as is the tank