death of fishes


New Member
:thinking: ya i definitely probably got WAY 2 fish happy. I had 15 (ouch) fishes in my 100 g. tank. 1 small puffer(the guy said he was flake fed from birth so it would be ok to house him with other fishes maybe not so far so good hes not agressive at all) 1 yellow tang 5 blue damsels 2 domino damsels 1 fire fish 2 scooters (mandarin and a red spotted one) one small clown fish suedo chromis(?) and one large skinny one with a orange tail and a black line on his eye which the tang always picked on.
Now please dont laugh maybe i did go to fast (let me know) i really love being around this hobby and im going to what ever it takes to get it down. As far as my test go my ,ph,ammonia,nitrite and nitrate were all in perfect range the nitrate was at about 20 ppm (i think) a little higher but the guy at the pet store said they all look good as far as other test i really dont know what else to perform ive read alot of books and just still getting it down. i was told it was real hard to maintain a live coral tank soim sticking with dead coral and rocks right now i do have 1 live rock in right now . But as far as the dirty brown stuff it gets all over the coral and floor of the tank so how do i keep the kind of tank were it stays clean for along time . the guy i bought it off of said the coral would only have 2 be cleaned every 3 or so months before ti got dirty well mine is every 3-4 days. Im trying to do everything i can to learn more and maintain a healthy clean tank, but lately it seems to be getting harder to keep clean and to have healthy fishes. THANKS ANY AND ALL ADVISE IS APPRECIATED sorry to sound so damn lame


New Member
i forgot to add this the symptoms are they tend to be scratching their selfs on the rocks and they have like these white little dots and loose white skin on them and as far as water im using just tap water that ive added the proper amount of salt to and my salinity is at .21 , then i usually buy them from the pet store and put them right in the tank. NOW i now ill probably get alot of #@it for that but ive heard both good and bad things about putting your fish in right away. But now i think im going to do taht quarintine tank and see how that works im just sick of loosing fish and want to correct it . thanks


Are all of the fish listed dead?
How long was the tank set up before you started addinig fish? How many fish did you add the last time, all 15 at once?
What type of filtration system are you using?
What kind of lights do you have?
What are your long term goals? Fish only, fish w/ LR or reef?
And what kind of budget are you willing to work with?
Don't trust everything that the guy at the LFS tells you, I hear bad advise all the time. In my experience, ont that has a well established display is more likely to give you good advice than say *****.
Keep us posted.


Active Member
Sounds like Ick, and you may have some kind of parasite as well. I would say that quarantine would be a very good policy for you to practice from this point forward, although I don't think I would add anymore fish.
I can tell you right now some of the causes for your brown algae problems. First, the tap water has to go, not only does it contribute to this nasty algae, but it is bad for your fish as well. Second with all of the fish in that aquarium, you have alot of waste, and a lot of un eaten food. These create phosphates as they decompose, and that is one of the top foods for problematic algae. For you Ick problem I would consult the disease forum. For your algae problem I would do a search on problematic algae, detritus, or cyanobacteria. The fixes for cyanobacteria are approximately the same as fixing your algae problems.
Good luck with the tank, and listen to what they guys and gals on here tell ya, it'll do ya some good. Also, be patient.