decesions decesions!


Now I have read some of these questions about the bak-pak filter and letting bubbles in but I am trying to decide between a bak-pak and a wet/dry filtration system. the only thing about a wet/dry is that i heard that sonce you have to change the filter cartriage every couple weeks, don't you lose all the growing bacteria that you need to have in the tank? cuz then you have to start all over again.

mr . salty

Active Member
I think wet/dry is the way to go,and I will, as soon as I decide if I'm keeping this tank,or going bigger. My current (hang on) filter has two filter cartrages that I rinse out weekly.They are supposed to be good for six months or more.Then you change one,a couple weeks later you change the other.In a sump you have bio balls or other material that keeps the bacteria.I guess if you had to change the filters,you could just set the old filter in the sump for a while to keep the bacteria in there. STEVE


I have not tried the biopac filters, but have always used wet/dry with excellent results. The main things bacteria need are extensive surface area with lots of oxygen available (hence the 'dry' bit), and a large water supply. Go for the one that provides the most of these. I have not seen a filter better than a good wet/dry which will provide more of these things. Remember to keep the filter in the dark.


New Member
All wet/dry filters you never have to change or mess with the bio balls or bio wheels. JuST LET THEM HARBOR BACTREIA. im not sure of any wet/dry filter where you have to screw with the bio media