Decided to take my DSB out.


Active Member
I just got tired of the way my dsb looked and it was a good excuse to give my tank a cleaning.



Active Member
The first picture is what it was like before.
The second is waiting for the sand to settle.
The third is everyting just thrown in.
The last picture is what it looks like now.
I apologise for the bad picture quality but I just did a quick shot. Some of the corals are still a little mad, but everything made it just fine. I had a little spike but it went away quickly.


Very nice. Thinking about doing that myself. I may go for the complete no sand bed though. I see you have a nice valley through the middle ala Steve Weast. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo lover
I liked your dsb. But it still looks nice without. Where you trying to make more room?

No not really I started to get an algae problem on the sandbed for no apparent reason as I use ro/di, have a low bio-load, don't overfeed, and skim. I just thought I would see if this would help and besides all that I plan to sell this tank soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by klearstar
Very nice. Thinking about doing that myself. I may go for the complete no sand bed though.

I would have gone bb or with the cutting board bottom but I plan to sell it and I don't want to put too much more into the tank. The next tank I will do will be bb or along those lines but that will be a few years.
Originally Posted by klearstar

I see you have a nice valley through the middle ala Steve Weast. :)
I have always had the valley look except for my first tank which was like a mountain.