decision between filters


Im awfully upset at my nitrate readings which is 40-70 ppm.i have a penguin bio-wheel 125 filter.i went to the LFS and he told me to change to an aquaclear 50 because the penguin filter is more of a biological filter, he also said that the aquaclear is a complete management system(mechanical,biological,and chemical).but he said not to use the carbon it comes with.he said to me"buy the kent reef carbon and the phosphate pad."
Im not sure if this filtration will help better than my bio-wheel.I was Doing some reasearch in this site and from what they say is that the bio wheel is no good when it matures meaning the bio-wheel is brown and full of bacteria;I also hear it will cause nitrate spikes. My tanks been up for 4 months.please help.i tried putting in the macro algae but it didnt work instead it made the nitrate higher so i got rid of it.
I have a seaclone skimmer working,
aquaclear powerhead 20
1 cleaner shrimp
1 ss gobie
1 firefish
2 snails(plan on getting more but dont know exactly how much more to put in my 20 gallon) :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
How much do you feed, what do you dose and how often do you change filter pads and water? Biowheels are great so don't worry about those. You could remove the biowheel if you want but I highly doubt that they are causing your nitrates. List everything you can about maintenance routine and additives and then we'll go from there. Don't buy anything that the LFAS says to untill we figure whats causing the nitrates.


you shouldn't need a powered filter like that in a saltwater tank. live rock, live sand, and maybe a refug should be plenty. they're natural filters. plants and macroalgae help too.
unless you have just fish and dead rock/sand.
switching the filter will do nothing. it's all the same thing: water goes up, through a filter and carbon, then back in to the tank (and maybe a bio-wheel).
And of course he was talking about "biological, mechanical, and chemical" filtration. all those LFS filters do that. not only do they do that but... it says it in big words on the box "3 stage filtration!". I betcha it's on every one of those boxes, too.
LFS guys are paid to sell fish and stuff. they don't know what they're talking about but they like to answer your questions any way they can think of so they won't look stupid. "oh your filter not making you happy? here buy a new one from me..."


Originally Posted by jlem
How much do you feed, what do you dose and how often do you change filter pads and water? Biowheels are great so don't worry about those. You could remove the biowheel if you want but I highly doubt that they are causing your nitrates. List everything you can about maintenance routine and additives and then we'll go from there. Don't buy anything that the LFAS says to untill we figure whats causing the nitrates.
Ok thanks.
I do 5-6 gallon water changes every sunday and change the carbon calcium is 400-450.i use the iodine once every 2 weeks and strontyium every 4 days,and liquid calcium every 4-5 days.i feed once a day in the morning,i used to feed twice a day and my nitrates were fine.I have 12 pound of live rock in my tank and 2-3 inches of live sand.
My water is:


Originally Posted by bchdFLdian
you shouldn't need a powered filter like that in a saltwater tank. live rock, live sand, and maybe a refug should be plenty. they're natural filters. plants and macroalgae help too.
unless you have just fish and dead rock/sand.
switching the filter will do nothing. it's all the same thing: water goes up, through a filter and carbon, then back in to the tank (and maybe a bio-wheel).
And of course he was talking about "biological, mechanical, and chemical" filtration. all those LFS filters do that. not only do they do that but... it says it in big words on the box "3 stage filtration!". I betcha it's on every one of those boxes, too.
LFS guys are paid to sell fish and stuff. they don't know what they're talking about but they like to answer your questions any way they can think of so they won't look stupid. "oh your filter not making you happy? here buy a new one from me..."
My LFS is my personal friend and this guy put in 2 broken bacardi bottles in his tank and its full of critters.looks just like a a live rock and he never does water changes,all he does is top off his 29 gallon tank.he used to have the bio wheel like 3 years ago and now has the aquaclear 50


I have 2 penguin bio wheel filters (150's) on my 55 gallon. I used to have problem with nitrates until I started taking filters out about 1 to 2 times a week and clean off build up on them. After that my nitrates started to fall off and they are working good.