I have a 72g bow, FOWLR It houses your typical fish clowns, Yellow tang etc.
I would like to transfer to an aggressive tank and trade my current stock in. Any suggestions on fish that would go in a 72. I am not planning a reef.
IMO not evan the yellow tang should be in a 75 gallon. 75 gallon is veryu hard to make an agressive out of, but i mknow there are a few people here i beleive that have one..
i would do maybe a dwarf lion, a snowflake eel, generally alot smaller more agressive fish
Thank you for your response. I agree that a 72 seems small for a tang. I think it is strange how some people say a 55g will work. I was given the tang.
sfe, dwarf lion or antennata, and a sea betta, maybe a toby puffer, theyre usually mellower than the other puffers. maybe if u wanted to u could do a frilled gill shark like the one they saw off of japan lol
hi there. i currently have a yellow tang in my 55 gallon tank. he has grown alot since i first bought him.
you can start out with a tang in a smaller tank such as a 55 gallon tank if you have plans in the near future to upgrade.
i myself just bought a 125 gallon tank. as soon as i get it complete and running and established . my tang will be switched into the new tank.