Decisions, Decisions! :)


New Member
Hi guys,
I have my 60 gallon reef in my room, 3 fresh tanks, and a 20 just sitting empty. I'm thinking about just doing a fish only nano salt tank. I DON'T want to invest in a top or anything, this is going to be like plain and simple. I'm wondering what kind of fish and such I should throw in once I get it started! I need ideas! This is a 20 LONG, which is going to sit underneath my 40 gallon cichlid tank (the only place left to put another tank). I'd love to hear some new ideas on what to get! I LOVE color, and I don't want boring and/or insanely aggressive.
Shoot some ideas my fellow fish lovers!
Many thanks and Happy new years!


If it's a small saltwater I would recommend gobies and some blennies , if it's a small freshwater I would recommend blue guramies and guppies and mollys


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by zoidberg01 http:///t/396905/decisions-decisions#post_3536309
If it's a small saltwater I would recommend gobies and some blennies , if it's a small freshwater I would recommend blue guramies and guppies and mollys
I think gobies and blennies are basically bottom swimmers. You wouldn't have anything swimming through the water column.


Well-Known Member

Get nano fish that are geared for a tiny tank.

Choose only maybe two tiny fish:
  • Yellow or the green clown goby
  • catalina goby (likes cooler waters, no heater needed)
    green banded goby
    Hectors or Rainford goby

In a 10g they will swim around...I know the Hector's or the Rainford will for certain. A shrimp to help clean up, and some snails.