decorating my tank


New Member
I'm wanting to add a little more to my tank. i have a 30 gallon with a ton of live rock and live sand. (and a few fake salt water decors) however since i am still learning i didn't want to start with corals and annimone etc. I have seen a lot of tanks that are filled with the fake stuff which i want to do for now. but what are your best tips for decorating a tank? I like how all your pictures look. everything looks like it goes so well together...


Active Member
personally id say save your money with the fake stuff (it never looks good) and start learning with something hardy like mushrooms. thats what im doing and so far so good! or simply wait a few months with just live rock until you feel more comfortable, then add something.


Active Member

Any fake stuff will quickly be covered with algea so just give it time. Work on your live rock and with time the purple will give you color. A few colorful fish. If your start filling brave later all some softies or lps. All easy with right lights.