Decoration Question


In a fish only tank, can you put decorative rock other than Coral or rock from the ocean in the tank. Can rock like Lava Rock be put in the tank or would that hurt the fish. Also, can you put plastic plants in teh tank or should it just be live invertabrates?


New Member
The more "natural" decorations you have the better for the health of your tank! I will however exempt all coral skeletons collected for the sake of decoration only. They are beautiful but an animal DIED giving up it's skeleton!
I won't encourage anybody to collect things from the sea...I don't think it's legal (for a good reason!) However if you can take things washed ashore, look for coral skeletons and shells. These are made of Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and will help maintain a suitable pH by liberating Calcium compounds. I have found such coral "rocks" used in gardens as decoration. It is also sold at LFS as "base rock". The other "limestones" and "shales" sold for FW tanks are not to be used in marine tanks.
Plastic plants are fine, as are sunken ships, scuba divers and waving mermaids. Plastic is inert and safe. Metal is a no-no. As is real driftwood. Glass is safe (well...) Tackiness is another issue...

Aquarium Systems makes (finally) some Marine plants that lend an air of authenticity.