Decorator crab


i just resently purchased this beautiful orange decorator crab. he is the coolest little guy! my question is, since i introduced him to my 55gal reef, he has been hiding against a piece of live rock. it is not apparent he is eating (unless at night, when lights are off). is there anything specifically concerning decorator crabs? or should i start with rule #1 again ...BE PATIENT!


I have a decorator crab also. He is indeed very interesting. A word of caution, he will eat inverts and corals. Mine ate two shrimp before i caught him. If you have sponges, corals or anemones he will pick pieces off them and use them for decoration. I named him GLB for greedy little ba$%@rd. He now lives by himself in a 10g tank. At times he will walk across the tank holding a single piece of aragonite gravel on his back like he's being invisible.(LOL) Don't worry about not seeing him eat, mine eats at night. Good luck. You will enjoy his antics once he overcomes his shyness. ;)