decorator crabs


im contemplating a decorator crab. has anyone had any experience with them they'd like to share?


depends on what type of tank you want them in they can wreck havoc in a reef tank. They will decorate themselves with any coral the happen across including expensive ones and might discard them 2 feet away because they found something better to use or the surroundings changed.
I dont like this crab for that main reason. I am sure there are more reasons not to like it though LOL but they are cool looking crabs.


thats what i was worried about, the constant change of decorations. i was hoping it would just pick up some zoas and call it a day. so i guess the decorator is out of the question for me.


They are very commical and IMO a cool addition to a reef. It doesn't harm the polyps while camoflouging itself and mine hasn't changed out its polyps since I got it 6 months ago. They're like a moving piece of coral and sometimes really hard to spot. Awesome crab IMO


I completely agree with bioneck47. I've had mine for at least 6 months and after the original 2 days of choosing his decorations, he has left everything else alone. Very cool crab. Everyone who comes over to see the tank just loves my traveling coral.


We really enjoyed ours until it started eating our mushrooms. I never figured out why it ate them, but after watching and making sure that is actually what it was doing it went to the fuge.


Originally Posted by jawdubb
We really enjoyed ours until it started eating our mushrooms. I never figured out why it ate them, but after watching and making sure that is actually what it was doing it went to the fuge.
I just found this (old) thread - I was searching through looking for what I suspected happened to 4 of my 6 new mushrooms in the last 2 nights.............. I caught him this morning with a slice of what looked like mushroom (and he was sitting right where there WAS a mushroom the night before...... bad thing is i have mushrooms in my fudge too

at any rate I thought i would bump this and add that I have had the same problem - just in case someone else is searching for the cause of te vanishing mushrooms..........