decorator or emerald crab


Active Member
Uh for a REEF definitely not a decorator. He will pick and destroy things for his camoflague. Go with the emerald.


Mind if I interject real quick . . .
On emeralds. I know they are reef safe, and I had one small one which I only caught glimpses of at night, etc. Never bothered my snails, blue legs, or featherworms. Well, I decided to get one more emerald crab since a buddy was doing an order from here, and when it came it, it was huge. Easily the large rubber eraser block size, etc. 2.5 -3 inches across if you looked at it head on.
Now to my point, tonight, after the lights out for a while, I noticed the big emerald was all on top of a smaller blue leg, and when I walked up it froze. so I backed off, and while it froze, the blue leg scampered off, but after a bit, the emerald quickly came back on top of it as if it were chasing/eating, etc? It later quit since I was in front of the tank now. So, is there a point where emeralds get too big, and then are destructive because they still look for food source, and if not on LR or detritus, they turn on hermits and snails. I value my snails and hermits more than this one big guy. Opinions?


Active Member
Yes :) They will go after other things. Some are killers :) Unfortunately. Just keep an eye on your populations. Thankfully hermits are cheap. You could try spot feeding the crab some mysis or something.....